Throughout your lecture course as you study to become a Veterinary
Nurse, you will be instructed to sit examinations to test your knowledge.
In many cases, these will be in the form of multiple choice questions,
which is what you will find in the examinations set by the Royal College
of Veterinary Surgeons.
The following is a typical multiple choice examination. It is a general
revision test covering NVQ Level 2, which is what you will sit at the
end of your first year. This test is exactly what you will have to
pass to get through your first year examinations. The answers are not
included, but that doesn't matter. The point of showing you this is
to give you some idea of the range of knowledge you will have at the
end of your first year of study.
1. The anterior surface of the liver rests :-
A. On the caudal surface of the diaphragm.
B. On the caudal pole of the right kidney.
C. In contact with the loop of the duodenum.
D. Against the lesser curvature of the stomach.
2. Chyle is :-
A. The semifluid mass which empties from the stomach into the duodenum.
B. The lymph containing fat droplets found in the lacteals of the small intestine.
C. The contents of the gall bladder.
D. The rounded piece of chewed food which passes down the oesophagus when the
animal swallows.
3. FSH is a hormone :-
A. Which controls parturition and is secreted by the neurohypophysis.
B. Which causes luteolysis and is secreted by the adenohypophysis.
C. Which controls urinary diuresis and is secreted by the neurohypophysis.
D. Which controls follicle development and is secreted by the adenohypophysis.
4. The odontoid peg is part of :-
A. The atlanto-occipital joint.
B. The atlantoaxial joint.
C. The temporomandibular joint.
D. The orbit.
5. The ureter is :-
A. Lined with stratified squamous epithelium.
B. Permanently full of urine.
C. A tube which performs peristalsis whenever the animal micturates.
D. Shorter in males than in females.
6. The eustachian tubes :-
A. Open into the roof of the oropharynx.
B. Open into the floor of the oropharynx.
C. Open into the roof of the nasopharynx.
D. Open into the vocal folds.
7. One feature of prostatic disease is :-
A. Inappetance.
B. Dysuria.
C. Borborygmus.
D. Tenesmus.
8. When presented with a pug with a newly prolapsed eyeball, the correct
first aid is to :-
A. Tape the eyeball directly to the face to prevent trauma to the optic nerve.
B. Wrap the eyeball in dry swabs to prevent damage to the surface.
C. Lubricate the eyeball, eg. in KY Jelly, and replace if possible.
D. Wrap the eyeball in swabs dampened with sterile saline to prevent dehydration,
and bandage to the head.
9. Per os is a suitable instruction when administering :-
A. A cream or ointment.
B. A flea powder.
C. A tablet.
D. An enema.
10. A wire haired Dachshund is classified by the Kennel Club as :-
A. Terrier.
B. Toy.
C. Working.
D. Hound.
11. Which of the following statements are true?
i). Adult cats have a total of 6 molars.
ii). The carnassial teeth are multi-cusped, 3-rooted molars.
iii). Canines are only a feature of adult dentition in dogs.
iv). Incisors are small, single rooted teeth.
v). The interdental space occurs between the 1st and 2nd lower premolars.
A. i) and iv).
B. ii) and iii).
C. iii) and v).
D. All are true.
12. Normal expired air contains :-
A. Approximately 20% oxygen.
B. 78% nitrogen.
C. Very small amounts of carbon dioxide.
D. Saturated water vapour.
13. The adrenal cortex :-
A. Is found caudal to each kidney.
B. Produces noradrenaline under the control of the sympathetic nervous system.
C. Is the body's only source of sex steroids.
D. Produces aldosterone when stimulated by renal production of renin.
14. The pathway of canine sperm at ejaculation is ;-
A. Testis, ductus deferens, prostate, penile urethra.
B. Testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, urethra.
C. Epididymis, ductus deferens, prostate, bulbourethral glands.
D. Epdidymis, ductus deferens, prostate, urethra.
15. The 7th cranial nerve :-
A. Is a motor nerve.
B. Innervates the ethmoturbinate bone.
C. Is motor to the muscles of mastication.
D. Causes deglutition.
16. Blood in the pulmonary vein is :-
A. Bright red in colour.
B. Hypoxic.
C. Flowing towards the right atrium of the heart.
D. Hypercapnic.
17. The turbinate bones :-
A. Are covered in simple cuboidal epithelium with microvilli.
B. Are the bony labyrinth of the inner ear.
C. Warm, filter and humidify expired air.
D. Lie inside the maxilla and nasal bones.
18. You need to prepare 40 ml of 25% magnesium sulphate solution.
How much magnesium sulphate powder is needed to do this?
A. 1 g.
B. 5 g.
C. 10 g.
D. 100 g.
19. A dog is sent home with a bandaged paw. Which of the following
statements are true?
i). The paw must be included in the bandage to avoid circulatory disturbances
if the bandage tightens.
ii). Conforming bandages should never be used on a paw wound where tissue has
been lost.
iii). Licking at the bandage may lead to pressure necrosis of the pads.
iv). Bandage removal often requires heavy sedation/general anaesthesia.
v). A modified Robert Jones bandage is the bandage of first choice for soft
tissue wounds on the paw.
A. i) only.
B. ii), iii) and iv).
C. v) only.
D. None of the above.
20. Good ventilation in kennels may help to prevent the spread of
A. Ringworm.
B. Parvovirus.
C. Feline influenza.
D. Fleas.
21. Mutation is :-
A. A change in the genetic content of an animal's cells which occurs during
B. An inherited genetic abnormality affecting males more than females.
C. A change in the chromosomal composition of a cell.
D. A frequently lethal change in the genotype of a cell as a result of abnormal
replication/separation of DNA.
22. As part of a kitten's diet :-
A. Vegetable oil is less useful than animal fat.
B. Mince is a better source of calcium than canned cat food.
C. Milk is essential to avoid nutritional osteodystrophy.
D. Commercial cat food is balanced to contain sufficient taurine for growing
23. Bile acids :-
A. Are a by-product of erythrocyte anabolism.
B. Are potent emulsifying agents.
C. Are capable of enzymatic digestion of fat.
D. Colour faeces brown.
24. Gastric juice includes :-
A. HCO3- ions.
B. H+ and Cl- ions.
C. Na+ and Cl- ions.
D. H+ and SO4-- ions.
25. Acromegaly is one result of :-
A. Hypoadrenocorticism.
B. Hyperthyroidism.
C. Hypersecretion of somatotrophin.
D. Hyposecretion of ADH.
26. When the elbow joint is extended the anconeal process articulates
with :-
A. The olecranon process.
B. The intercondylar foramen.
C. The olecranon fossa.
D. The condyloid process.
27. Each glomerulus of the kidney :-
A. Filters urine to increase its concentration.
B. Filters blood at a rate determined by the filtration pressure.
C. Removes only substances unnecessary to the body.
D. Absorbs valuable substances back into the blood stream.
28. Otoliths are found attached to sensory nerve endings :-
A. In the perilymph of the inner ear.
B. In the membranous labyrinth of the semicircular canals.
C. In the endolymph of the cochlea.
D. In the boney labyrinth of the semicircular canals.
29. Causes of pyrexia include :-
A. Fear.
B. Prolonged exposure to cold.
C. Asphyxiation.
D. Renal failure.
30. The pH of normal body fluid is :-
A. 5.6
B. 6.4
C. 7.4
D. 8.2
31. Metabolic acidosis :-
A. Is one possible consequence of pneumonia.
B. May result from repeated vomition.
C. Is correctible using glucose saline or dextrose saline.
D. Occurs as a result of a fall in body pH.
32. An example of an inherited disease which is also congenital is
B. Cleft palate.
C. Haemophilia.
D. Diaphragmatic hernia.
33. One example of a toy breed is a :-
A. Yorkshire terrier.
B. Miniature Poodle.
C. Greyhound.
D. Shih tzu.
34. The skull bones which border the orbit include :-
A. Occipital and temporal bones.
B. Palatine and lacrimal bones.
C. Frontal and temporal bones.
D. Sphenoid and parietal bones.
35. The normal number of thoracic vertebrae in a dog is :-
A. 7.
B. 13.
C. 15.
D. 18.
36. Parasympathetic nerve fibres :-
A. Are found in the communicating ramus which accompanies each thoracic spinal
B. Control the secretion of cells in the adrenal medulla.
C. Which derive from the sacral area of the spinal cord innervate the abdominal
organs caudal to the transverse colon.
D. Cause mydriasis, tachycardia and sphincter relaxation.
37. The pulmonary arterial blood (when compared to aortic blood) :-
A. Contains more oxygen.
B. Is purple in colour.
C. Oozes rather than spurts.
D. Flows from the left ventricle to the lungs.
38. The structure in the larynx responsible for vocalisation is the
A. Cricoid cartilage.
B. Vocal fold.
C. Glottis.
D. All of the above.
39. An animal has a dislocated shoulder which is reduced under general anaesthesia.
The joint can be further stabilised by applying :-
A. An Ehmer sling.
B. A Velpeau sling.
C. A Robert Jones bandage.
D. A gutter splint.
40. On a very cold day, a guinea pig is admitted with hypothermia
(temp 99.6ºF). It can be helped to return to normal by :-
A. Wrapping in bubble plastic.
B. Exposing to infra-red radiation.
C. Placing on a circulation water pad.
D. All of the above.
41. To allow an uninfected skin wound to heal as rapidly as possible,
it should be cleaned using :-
A. Boiled water.
B. Sterile saline.
C. Dilute chlorhexidine.
D. 20 volume hydrogen peroxide.
42. Ideally a kennel should be constructed :-
A. With a single locking door so that the animal cannot be accidentally released.
B. With some form of heating, or it will be unsuitable for winter use.
C. Only of impervious materials (eg. tiles/concrete) to above dog height.
D. All of the above are relevant to good kennel construction.
43. Albinism is an example of :-
A. Heterozygosity.
B. Multifactorial inheritance.
C. Epistasis.
D. A heterosomal characteristic.
44. Menisci :-
A. Are found inside the temporomandibular joint.
B. Are paired crescents of hyaline cartilage.
C. Help to cushion a muscle or tendon as it slides over a bony prominence.
D. Heal rapidly and completely when damaged.
45. The sequence of hormone changes which occurs at parturition is
A. Release of PGF2a, followed by oxytocin and prolactin.
B. Foetal corticol surge, release of prostaglandin F2a, release of oxytocin.
C. Luteolysis followed by release of foetal cortisol.
D. Maternal cortisol surge, release of oxytocin, release of prolactin.
46. Erection of the penis is achieved by :-
A. Contraction of the cremaster muscle.
B. Rhymthic peristalsis of the penile urethra.
C. Vascular engorgement of the corpora cavernosa.
D. All of the above.
47. A dog weighs 30 kg. It needs prednisolone at a dose of 1 mg/kg
bid for 5 days then alternate days for a further 10 days. How many
prednisolone 5 mg tablets must the owner be dispensed?
A. 30.
B. 60.
C. 90.
D. 120.
48. Appropriate first aid for a dog with a severed digital artery
is :-
A. Ligation of the affected artery.
B. The application of digital pressure until bleeding stops.
C. The application of a tourniquet just above the carpus.
D. The application of a pad and bandage directly over the wound.
49. One indication for administering an intraperitoneal injection
is :-
A. To obtain a sample of serous fluid.
B. To give a drug too irritant for administration by a conventional route.
C. To administer fluid therapy in an animal too small to drip.
D. To perform contrast radiography of the biliary system.
50. Which of the following are true?
i). The placental membranes responsible for gaseous exchange are fused areas
of the allantois and chorion.
ii). A canine placenta is classified as cotyledonary.
iii). The yolk sac is of ectodermal origin.
iv). The amnion is the first membrane to burst during parturition.
v). Foetal urine accumulates inside the allantoic cavity.
A. i) and v).
B. ii) and iv).
C. ii), iii) and iv).
D. iv) only.
51. Epidural anaesthesia is administered by injecting :-
A. Directly into CSF at the foramen magnum.
B. Into the space between the vertebral arch and the meninges at the lumbo-sacral
C. Into the cerobrospinal fluid between the arachnoid space and the pia mater.
D. Into the fat-filled space between the dura mater and the arachnoid.
52. An animal has a degloving injury of its right forepaw leaving
a clean open wound to heal by granulation. The best dressing to apply
to the wound during the healing process is :-
A. Sulphonamide powder.
B. Intrasite gel.
C. A hydrocellular dressing.
D. A collagen dressing.
53. An appropriate diet for cardiac failure should :-
A. Be low in sodium.
B. Be high in potassium.
C. Contain only proteins of high biological value.
D. All of the above are true of cardiac diets.
54. The use of a low fat diet may be indicated in :-
A. Diabetes insipidus and renal disease.
B. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
C. Food allergy.
D. Hypothyroidism.
55. 'Crossing over' is an essential feature of meiosis which :-
A. Ensures offspring vary in phenotype and genotype from both parents and from
each other.
B. Produces a movement of nucleotides which promotes heterozygosity in the
C. Allows the pairing up of matched chromosomes into homologous pairs.
D. Produces four identical cells, each with half the chromosome complement
of the original parent cell.
56. The foramen ovale :-
A. Allows blood to flow from the pulmonary artery to the aorta.
B. Produces an increased arterial blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation
during intrauterine life.
C. Closes immediately after birth as a result of the pressure changes in the
baby's chest which occur when it first breathes.
D. Is a hole between the ventricles of the heart.
57. First aid for a transverse fracture of both radius and ulna which
has become compound :-
A. Should be limited to close confinement in a kennel until the animal has
been examined by a vet.
B. Must include the reduction of the fracture and external fixation, eg. by
plaster cast.
C. Could involve cleaning the wounds and the application of a gutter splint
with appropriate padding.
D. Should include the immediate application of an Ehmer sling.
58. Plasma consists mainly of :-
A. Food chemicals, eg. sugars, amino acids and fatty acids.
B. Plasma proteins, eg. albumin, globulin and fibrinogen.
C. Serum.
D. Water.
59. The oxygen carrying capacity of blood is dependent on :-
A. The number of red blood cells it contains.
B. The blood pressure.
C. The number of white blood cells it contains.
D. The platelet count.
60. The maxilla is the skull bone :-
A. In which the upper teeth are embedded.
B. Which contains the middle ear.
C. Which makes up the cheek bone.
D. Which consists of a body and a ramus.